worship while you work out

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Thanks for subscribing to the SpiritFit Music newsletter.  You should be receiving a welcome email including a link to the WHO I AM IN CHRIST MP3 Download. 

Sometimes there can be delays up to several hours depending on whether email is making it through.  Please wait a couple of hours for the message to come through before contacting me. 

If you believe there was a problem, please try again or contact me.  I want you to have a great experience downloading and using our music for your workouts.

Warning: Please be sure to “whitelist” or “safelist” my email address – or your email system might delete my emails as spam before you see them.


Eric Nordhoff
Worship While You Workout

PS - You may want to read our most popular blog post, and frankly, our purpose for existing, which is to eliminate The Obesity Epidemic in American Churches

PPS - You can join the Facebook Community and Follow Us on Twitter also.